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2020 Smooth bone marrow transplant at TVGH during COVID-19

In May 2020, Taipei Veterans General Hospital (TVGH, 臺北榮民總醫院) received an overseas medical request for a 38-year-old American woman with acute myeloi.....(More)

2020 Success Stories Against COVID-19

The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic was first identified in Wuhan, China in late 2019. In response, Taipei Veterans General Hospital (TVGH, 臺北榮民總醫院) ha.....(More)

2016 Send Love to Ladakh

In August and September 2016, doctors of Taipei Veterans General Hospital (TVGH, 臺北榮民總醫院) joined a program with medical students of National Yangming.....(More)

2015 Post-quake medical aid in Nepal

A strong earthquake hit Nepal in April 2015, with a magnitude of 7.8Mw. Director Wu Tsi-tsung (吳子聰) of the Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, De.....(More)

2010 & 2013 "Looking After Our Siblings in Northern Thailand"

In conjunction with Veterans Affairs Council's policies, and to practice the government's commitment of looking after our veterans left in northern T.....(More)

2010 Preparatory meeting by TVGH for aiding post-quake Haiti

In January 2010, TVGH held a preparatory meeting for aiding post-earthquake Haiti by Taipei, Taichung and Kaohsiung Veterans Hospitals. Three doctors.....(More)

2008 TVGH's emergency aid to post-quake Sichuan

At 14:28, May 12, 2008, an 8Mw-magnitude massive earthquake struck Sichuan, China, with Beichuan County suffering the most. TVGH activated emergency .....(More)

2006 TVGH held free clinics in Papua New Guinea

Led by vice superintendent Li Chien-hsien (李建賢, also the principal of the School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University), a TVGH team provided vo.....(More)

1978 Aid to Saudi Arabia

TVGH Superintendent Tsou Chi-hsun (鄒濟勳) and New Jeddah Clinic Hospital signed a 10-year MOU on medical cooperation in October 1978. Soon afterwards, .....(More)

1970 Medical Aid to Vietnam

During the Vietnam War, TVGH offered aid to Vietnam as requested by the government. Chao Chu-yu (趙聚鈺), commissioner of the Veterans Affairs Council, .....(More)