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Tiếng Việ
International Clinical Education
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Hospital History Online

International Clinical Education

TVGH is known for its medical skills and achievements around the world. Medical professionals and students have come from all countries to take advanced courses or be interns at the hospital. In recent years, doctors, nurses and managerial staffers from Southeast Asia, Europe, North America, and countries who have formal diplomatic ties with us, such as Nauru, the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis, Guatemala, and El Salvador, have all received training at TVGH.
From 2003 till April 2019, 2,771 professionals have come here to learn. From just 30 people, number of the foreign trainees here has been increasing by the year. In the last four years, every year, 300 more trainees come to TVGH – the highest number of all in Taiwan. Having learned much, many of the trainees invite TVGH's clinical educators to give lectures or demonstrate surgeries in their home countries. Our global reputation in this regard has grown through word of mouth. We have been selected to be one of the 15 best hospitals in the world by Gazette Review.
While promoting clinical education and improving services, our Dept. of Medical Education cares for foreign trainees. We have set up an English website for them to use, and we ask all departments and divisions to provide training materials in English, while highlighting their best features. We have established application platform and released a number of promotional films.  We look forward to gaining even more global presence in the near future. 

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